Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today John Philip Newell offered a teaching on how we can deal with the brokenness in the world. Mystic Julian of Norwich centered on the image of Jesus being handsome- not pretty- Her vision of him was one of both joy and suffering at the same time - A life who is totally alive to the gift of life but also aware of the brokenness and sorrow in the world.

St Columba talks about praying until the tears come, both joy and sorrow because when we weep something essential is stirring in us.

We meditated on looking suffering right in its face at the same time looking at the beauty of creation in its face.

I wrote the following poem today as I reflected on the joyful and sorrowful experiences we have shared as a family at "The Camp" on False River in Louisiana.


Near the lakes edge
She looks out over the deep
A view of peace, beauty, light and spirit
A view of chaos, pain, darkness and death
Two views of the same vision
Goodness and suffering
Side by side
Top by bottom
Now........... Intertwining
Spirit whispers in her ear
“All will be well”
“All will be well”
Two sides of the same place
Now intertwined
Beauty and brokenness are now one
Her outstretched arms rise over the sacred deep
God holds her up
The beauty of her smile

Tommy Dillon

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