Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Long Road to Damascus

Big change-a-roo for my sermon this morning- I am sharing a letter I had written to Bishop Clarence Pope, my former Rector when I was a teenager: 

“Dear Bishop Pope, We miss you so much as being our Rector but we are glad you are now a bishop (Ft Worth) in the Church. I want to share some of my concerns. Nowadays, I am almost frightened to enter into another Episcopal Church because hardly any of them are like St Luke’s Church. Many have folk masses, hardly any of the members reverence the Blessed Sacrament, too many clergy don’t wear clergy collars, and the church is just too liberal, especially ordaining women and gays. Will the church ever go back to what it was? I am criticized by many adults and people my age about my conservative beliefs.....” 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hearing a Growl During Morning Prayer

On Wednesday, while I was officiating Morning Prayer, I heard a growl during the long silence after a reading from the Book of Acts. I had no idea where the noise was coming from. I then looked to my right and saw the small head of a Teacup Chihuahua come out of the sweater of a member of the church. Bella was not a happy dog! Laughter erupted and the joy of God's creation was felt by all.